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what is semi-automatic vacuum nitrogen filling and can sealing machine

29 Mar 2024

Semi-automatic vacuum nitrogen filling and sealing machines are used in various industries for packaging products that require a controlled atmosphere to extend shelf life, maintain freshness, and prevent spoilage.

Here's how they are typically used:

  1. Preparation of Packaging Materials: The packaging materials, such as bags or pouches, are prepared and placed on the machine's platform or feeding mechanism.

  2. Filling: The product to be packaged is placed into the packaging material manually or by using an automated filling mechanism. For example, if packaging coffee beans, the beans are loaded into the bag.

  3. Nitrogen Flushing: Before sealing the package, nitrogen gas is flushed into the packaging to displace oxygen. This helps create a modified atmosphere inside the package, which slows down the oxidation process and extends the product's shelf life. Nitrogen flushing is particularly useful for products sensitive to oxygen exposure, such as coffee, snacks, and perishable foods.

  4. Vacuum Sealing: After nitrogen flushing, the machine removes excess air from the package through vacuum sealing. This process helps to create a tight seal, removing air pockets and ensuring proper packaging.

  5. Sealing: Once the vacuum sealing is complete, the package is sealed using heat sealing or other sealing mechanisms. This step ensures that the package is securely closed, preventing air and moisture from entering.

  6. Final Inspection and Labeling: After sealing, the package may undergo a final inspection to ensure proper sealing and packaging integrity. Labels or stickers may be applied to provide product information, branding, and other relevant details.

  7. Product Removal: Finally, the packaged products are removed from the machine's platform and prepared for distribution or storage.

These semi-automatic machines offer a balance between automation and manual operation, making them suitable for small to medium-scale production facilities. They provide efficient packaging solutions while offering flexibility for different product types and packaging requirements.

If you want to know more detail about the machine, please welcome to email us.